Land Division -

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Starting with a large tract of land, it is sometimes divided into smaller sections known as “land division”.  Because this frequently was family property it earned the nickname of “Mums and Dads” that developers would use for housing subdivisions or shopping areas.

Not all developers are large corporations.  Individuals or small companies are often interested in this type of enterprise.  The process begins by working with the local council to be sure the land is approved for division under their development plan for the specific area.  Then a drawing is made of the area, which is commonly referred to as a “mud map”.  This will also show the dimensions of the divisions.  It will include measurements of the proposed plots.  Next this drawing is presented to the local council for their planning division to review and approve.  If you have not already done so, it is time to hire a surveyor to determine the exact layout of the subdivision. 

If all of this sounds a bit complicated, it is.  Hiring a professional conveyancing company can save time and energy by knowing what task needs to be completed when and how to engage professionals to complete the work efficiently and satisfactorily.  It will save frustration and effort that can be better spent elsewhere.

Commercial developers have found that using a conveyancing company makes the transition far easier and smoother.  A conveyancer can complete necessary paperwork and, in addition, complete or assist in drafting encumbrances, agreements (including management contracts), and division special conditions.

If you anticipate a land division, contact us to see how we can assist you in this process.  We have the expertise to help with this complex process and are happy to answer any questions or address concerns.
